Sunday, November 15, 2015

Never a grown up

Marinda Hsu
English ll
Mrs. Guarino
                                                                Never a Grown Up 
    The Peter Pan drama last night was amazing and reminded me of my childhood. Disney channel was what I loved the most during childhood, my first time knowing the story of Peter Pan was throughout Disney. It had been a long time since I've listened and watched Peter Pan, I had almost forgotten the plot of the story and it was nice to see all these scenes again yesterday. The show was blended with different emotions and I liked it when a show is not only with a single emotion because this made me felt more interested and willing to pay attention to the show. Some parts are humor, some parts are sad, angry and some parts are so fulled of happiness. I especially love the pirate scene, the dark red lighting and background are authentic and have created a creepy and intense feeling exactl like how it might feel like to be on a pirate ship. There is one more thing in the play that grabbed my attention, a part of the music was played by a flute I think, it was attracting my hearing and was lovely, I really liked the rhythm and melody, moreover I also plays flute so this was also an interesting part of the Peter Pan play that day. 
    Peter Pan was described and being told as a boy that did not want to grow up and therefore did not grow up as time past by even Wendy had grew up. Wendy understood that her parents was caring and loving her so she decided to stay back at home; On the other hand, Peter Pan did not go back home neither did he wanted to grow up. Peter Pan and his friends on Neverland were boys that are lonely and abandoned with no mother taking care of them, I thought they were all innocenct and kind boys but knows only a few about the world outside of their Neverland. I actually thought that the ending was a little bit sad and made me felt a little bit melancholy. I tried to think deeply about the ending of Peter Pan that night. My thought was that Peter Pan represents the childish heart and playfulness deeply inside all of us, all grown up. Wendy will always remember Peter Pan even if she never saw him again, just like how every grown up tried to be mature and act in good manners, being responsible, doing what they are supposed to be doing, but deeply inside everyone there will always be a forgotten Peter Pan. 

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