Thursday, November 5, 2015

Reborn of discard building

Marinda Hsu
English IS ll
Mrs. Guarino 
                                                       The Reborn of discard buildings
     In this world today, people brings their smart phone everywhere for many different uses; for me, besides contacting, the most important and useful thing I considered on a phone is its' camera. I captured moments in daily life I found interesting and should be memorized. I take pictures of foods, natural views, outfits, people and different places as I travel and found special. Recently I was considering to have my own camera and capture more detailed images to memorize each special moments in my life, I really wanted to capture the night sky in Cheshire filled with shinny, bright stars that I don't usually see back in the cities in Taiwan. But I never thought about taking pictures of places that are abandoned and discarded. People always took picture directly whenever they see beautiful things but most of us never considered and found the beauty of these details and corners in an abandoned building as these photographer did. I was surprised on how these photos came out so beautifully and amazing from perspectives that I would never have found. 
    I was wondering how could these photographers found all their perspective unique and wonderful that normal people will normally not. I was thinking that they must have an extremely careful and attentive sights on discovering beauty that people do not usually pay attention to. This is one of the most impressive part I understood throughout the whole event tonight. 

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