Sunday, April 10, 2016

Pobby and Dingan Project Proposal

Marinda Hsu

    After brainstorming, I decided to film a short video about the events that were not being showed in the movie Opal Dream. My teammate is Chantelle, and she had took the role playing both Annie (the mother)'s ex boyfriend Sidebottom and her husband Rex. Me, I took the character of Annie. We decided to film this video into three separate parts to show the story of Annie before she came to Lightening Ridge. First, we'll film the part where Annie and John Sidebottom were having really lovely times together back in England. We wanted to show how Sidebottom was a typical rich gentleman from small details. For example, his great piano skills showing that he've been learning it since young, how he's dressed mostly with a blazer and how he gave gifts to Annie. Second part, we'll show how Annie started to know Rex and felt something different from him while Sidebottom had left England. We wanted to show how Rex was a totally different kind of person comparing to John Sidebottom; how he was more poor but passionate, full of dreams and enthusiasm. Annie was attracted by his unique dream and open mind. For the last part, we wanted to show how Annie had decided to leave John Sidebottom's rich family and go to Lightening Ridge to marry Rex, also to support his belief. 
     We will be filming these three major changes. Equipments we will be using are easy and just what we have—iPad and iMovie. Chantelle will be doing make up like a man; also, her clothes will be changed while filming Sidebottom to Rex, to show their differences. 
      I have chose to film a video for the creative project for a few reasons. First of all, I wanted to try filming since I had not did any projects like this in the past year. It would be really interesting at the same time to think about what stories might have happened on Annie before she came to Lightening Ridge. As the story said, Annie was looking at photos from England in the middle of the night after arguing with Rex. This could tell that she was missing her old times, maybe even regretting for a moment that she had came to a rural and neglect town. This part had grabbed my attention while thinking what to film that people haven't saw from the movie that could be creative and new. 
    In conclusion, Chantelle and I will be filming stories about Annie's life before going to Lightening Ridge and marrying Rex. The video will be approximately about 15 minutes with three characters—Annie, John Sidebottom and Rex. 

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