Monday, April 25, 2016

Reflection on Love or Bread

Marinda Hsu
Ms. Guarino
English ll
                                                          Reflection on Creative Project
            Famous movies and books often releases a new version or an additional version of story besides the main plot of the original movie or book. This idea came up to my mind after reading Pobby and Dingan, also after watching the movie Opal Dream. Therefore, me and my partner Chantelle decided to film a short movie before Annie and Rex moved to Lightening Ridge. This story about imaginary friends and the Williamsoms’ experience being misunderstood in Lightening Ridge actually gives a deeper idea and lesson to the audience. How everyone have their own strong belief and dream that no one else could see physically nor believe into. I was thinking how Annie must love Rex a lot to support his idea of living in a rural, coarse place like Lightening Ridge for opals. Another scene that made me came up with this idea of filming a story about Annie’s previous life before the plot in Lightening Ridge happened, was the scene where Annie was looking at her photos back in England with her almost-married ex boyfriend Peter Sidebottom, also was nervous to be found out when someone came in while she was looking at them.
                 We decided to film Annie’s previous life into four parts, this came out great where we filmed everything on time and with the script. First of all, memorizing the script was not as difficult as we thought; But out of our original concerns, filming the movie without laughing was a difficult part. It was suprisngly difficult to act real and control my facial expressions while filming. Because of this, the video might not came out as realistic. Another biggest mistake we made while filming this movie was to show the contraction between Peter and Rex. We have the idea on changing the outfits on both male character to show their differences on social level and personality. We also gave our movie this topic: Love or Bread, to tell how Annie was struggling between one rich man and another man with more love. It came out in results that the audiences felt like Annie was more in love with the rich man, Peter; which was the opposite idea we wanted to show in the movie. I will consider this as the biggest part that I would want to rectify among all other errors in this project. 
              First of all, we showed more scenes where Peter and Annie were in love comparing to Rex. Both Peter and Rex were gentle and kind to Annie, so this might confuse more for the audience on the reasons of Annie choosing Rex as her husband. To correct this mistake and to make our plot better fits out tops-- Love or Bread, I should make sure that our script fits more to the topic. For example other than outfits, I should show how Peter could afford and provide Annie a better life and future, I should show how Peter buys expensive gifts to show his love rather than actions. On the other hand for Rex, I should film more about how Rex has no money but a great passion towards opal and greater love towards Annie without any material ingratiating like Peter. 
              Overall, as my first time filming a movie as an important project, I’ve learned a lot. I learned a little bit more about filming and understood what my weaknesses were. I did a pretty great job for coming up with this creative idea to film Love or Bread, but did not act real enough nor made my main argument and idea about the story obvious enough throughout the movie to prove it to the audiences. To make my next possible filming project successful, I would plan everything into more details to make sure everything is logical.  

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