Saturday, May 21, 2016

Comedy Tonight!

Marinda Hsu
English ll
Ms. Guarino
                                                                  Theater Review
         "It was the funniest thing I’ve recently seen, not even kidding”, I heard someone saying this in the hallway, and I agree. This is my favorite drama of all throughout this year; Every drama presented this year were all great, but last night, this comedy became my favorite. It is light and relaxing comparing to other dramas I’ve seen. Most of all, I felt related to some of the skits, which made me enjoyed more. I have to say that this comedy made me laugh hard and all the audiences did, too. In my opinion, these skits are realistic and humorous. Some of the skits I like the most are “After Ever After”, “John Jiang, the Latte Boy and Rebuttal”, and “Morning Meeting Gone Wrong”. 
        “After Ever After” is a really interesting comedy,, the lyrics are funny yet realistic and criticizing about problems the world is facing right now. Four princesses from Disney singing the same melody as in the movies but with a new version of lyrics. I was laughing hard but then realized what they were singing was a real problem in the society these days. Ariel the mermaid’s lyrics mentioned the pollution under the sea and also how people are cutting fish fins off for food, then leaving them harmed in the ocean to die. Eventually, I think that behind their humorous lyrics that made the audience laughed contains a deeper idea and problems the society are facing recently. 
         “John Jiang, the Latte Boy” is also an interesting singing, I like the part where John sang his rebuttal song back to Sam. I was wondering along when I was watching this part if this whole song is written and made by Cheshire Academy’s students and teacher; If it is, I am even more impressed because it sounded cute and good. I had this question because the name Sam and John fits the beat in the song well. Last but not least, the “Morning Meeting Gone Wrong” was the one I laughed the hardest, so did the people sitting around me. This is one of the best moment I would say in the show. For a second, I thought Zola was actually Ms. Minahan. How every actors have acted during this scene were real and so similar to what I’ve seen every Thursday morning. It is fascinating how students have acted out how we have seen each teachers’ speech during morning meeting. I felt extremely related to this comedy therefore enjoyed it a lot and will definitely ask my friends to go watch it. 
    Overall, this comedy was vigorous and amusing.

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