Thursday, January 28, 2016

A lesson from Me and You

  I would describe the last night Lorenzo and Olivia spent together in the cellar was a turning point of their lives. Lorenzo had danced with Olivia, he had felt and enjoyed this feeling of love and happiness from a sister, a friend that he had never had in his life before. I felt glad when Olivia hugged Lorenzo and promised him not to touch drugs anymore; I also felt happy when Lorenzo had finally told someone how he really felt behind all of these lies he had made up. Lorenzo said,"And yet I knew behind that beyond that door the world was waiting for me, and that I would be able to talk to others like I was one of them. Decide to do things and then actually do them". This quote showed how they both felt hope that moment and might be planing about a brighter future after they step out of that door, facing the world and changing the way they live their life into a more positive way. Right after the flashbacks had stopped with happines and warmth, the story had immediately gave me this shocking ending that was a total different tone from the end of the days Olivia and Lorenzo spent in the cellar. Olivia was dead because of an overdose after all these years they were separated. This was not what I had expected the ending to be, I read the ending twice to make sure that I did not misunderstood it. 
     I felt this emptiness after I read the ending of this story. Olivia was talking about her future with a great man in a warm place—Bali, having a job, a husband and moreover a brighter life without drugs the night with Lorenzo. But the ending made this even a darker story. Therefore, I felt even more sympathy towards Olivia, I could not imagine what kind of realistic and harsh world she was facing that made her drop back into this terrible addictive mistake. This story made me ponder the relationship and distance between one person's dream and the reality one person might be facing that hugely impacts one's originally beautiful dream. Sometimes people chooses the wrong path and makes bad decisions for themselves. But as what I've been told since young, it is never too late to admit to your mistake and learn from it, change from it. There are many factors and causes in this world that would make you feel unfair, anger and disappointment. Whenever people are emotional, we make the wrong choice and sometimes people hurt themselves because of the anger that couldn't go anywhere else. After this story, I see how regretting might not always turn a person back to where he or she wanted to be. More over, reality forces all these weak people to fall back on the ground. But there is always a famous remark I've heard saying that a pathetic person must have a certain spiteful character. Due to a person's background born and the environment a person's facing will affect one's decision. In my opinion, only two kinds of people would be created and forced from a bad situation—a person that is weak, degenerate and pityingly or a person that is tough and strong that would try to overcome every obstacles he meet. What I learned from this story was to be strong and to control yourself not to stuck into bad habits nor any bad decisions you made in the past. 

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