Thursday, January 28, 2016

How has Lorenzo changed by the end?

Lorenzo had changed into a more confident person that felt hope and felt ready to face the world with who he really is. Throughout these days Lorenzo had spent with Olivia in the cellar, they encouraged and helped each other, therefore created the feeling of love between sister and brother which they have never had before. "That evening I danced, and when I danced I felt something I'd never felt before. I felt alive—it took my breath away." This was how Lorenzo described his experience and feeling with his sister dancing and enjoying this feeling of friendship and connection between people that he had never felt with others. Lorenzo help saved her sister from the pain of withdrawal then felt himself as a useful person then they have these similarities shared between each other, further more they gave each other hope then consequently changed Lorenzo into a better person with confident and hope about his life outside the cellar, in the world. 

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