Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Once upon a time.....

    Once upon a time in a winter at Taiwan, Marinda felt sunshine and smelled foods. It was winter break and she was back home. That day, the sun was extremely warm and it felt like summer during December. No snowy days as usual and the weather was too good that I could not waste it. Marinda's cousin—Sandy went on a picnic that day with her. They were walking around in the morning trying to find good foods for picnic in a famous street filled of tourists and traditional Taiwanese foods' store. They bought steamed dumplings, Korean foods, sandwiches and fruits all in the street then headed to the park. 
    Daan park is a famous park in the middle of a busy city. People were playing basketball, walking around and we found a quite grassland under the shade. Marinda and Sandy turned on our music and was chatting for a long time since we have not seen each other for three months. They missed each other, Sandy was like Marinda's best friend and they grew up together. But a problem jumped out while they're eating Korean foods that shocked all both of them. There was a dead cockroach inside the bowl, it was disgusting! They quickly threw that away and tried to make themselves concentrate on other foods. 
    After a few hours, they were done with their foods and done talking. Time past by too quick and the time they spent together was too happy that they have all forgot about the cockroach in the end of picnic. Marinda and Sandy could not say goodbye so went to the shopping mall and have their dinner then went back home late. It was a wonderful day and beautiful, warm winter they have. 

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