Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Body paragraphs (revised)

Marinda Hsu
English ll

                                                          Love's Power to Change 
        Have you ever met a person that changed and influenced you positively? No matter if it's someone near beside you or a celebrity you adores. I believe that love has the power to change a person's behavior and notion through out its caring actions that brings warmth. In the movie Like Stars on Earth, After the encouragements Ishaan had received from Aamir Khan by agreeing, supporting his art works, he had realized that being unique isn't wrong, but instead you should be proud of yourself and believes into your own special potential. As Aamir said in the movie—:"There have been such gems amongst us, who changed the course of the world, because they could look at the world differently. Their thinking was unique and not everyone understood them. They were opposed, yet they emerged winners and the world was amazed." This was something Ishaan had never bear being told by his parents. Ishaan was originally a boy losing confidence because of his unique situation that no adults could understand, until he met this art teacher that brought back his confidence and leaded him to start doing what he's truly good at doing—arts. In such a competitive world, most parents wanted their children to act well and be successful in school; Ishaan wasn't, and of course his parents were disappointed. During this point, when his parents did not try their best to understand their son's idea, moreover even blamed him, have caused he's lost of self-confidence and happiness. This reminded me of Lorenzo's situation where he felt like no one understands him, even his closest family did not try understanding and caring about his real feelings deeply inside. All of these sadness and disappointment both main character felt have been fixed and redirected because of another important person they met in life. No matter because of Olivia from Me and You or Aamir from Like Stars On Earth, they both helped changed main character's hopeless attitude towards life into a positive and bright attitude that they both started believing in themselves; after meeting this one special person that gave another hope, no matter in what way—sharing friendships, feeling loved or encouragements by words they've spoken, all of these made a sad person started to believe in a better tomorrow. 
        Like Stars on Earth's main character is Ishaan, an eight years old Indian boy going through a change in his childhood. Ishaan wasn't doing well in school, his teacher thought he was naughty, lazy and unreasonable; so did his parents. Ishaan's elder brother was the smartest student in their school, he was also a great tennis player; he was the typical good son most parents wanted. This made Ishaan's parents misunderstood more about Ishaan's attitude being naughty, and felt more disappointed to him comparing to his older brother. Ishaan likes imagining and drawing, but as his parents pressures him and negates his ideas, he lost his confidence eventually. His parents, especially his dad was mad and decided to send him to a boarding school. After Ishaan went to the boarding school, he felt even more sad because of the separation between his family. Untill one day a new art teacher called Aamir Khan started teaching in his school.  He was a open minded and positive young teacher that had found the problem in Ishaan. He was shy and closing himself from the world because of all these people denying his idea in the past. Therefore, Aamir encouraged him and created ways to let Ishaan prove his talented ability on arts. After Aamir's complements and explanation, Ishaan had gradually built his confidence day by day. Aamir also realized that Ishaan has Dyslexia, this problem made Ishaan how he've been acting back in school—he couldn't read properly like normal people could. This story is warm and also showed how society these days caused parents' blindness and careless on their children's real problem and potentions. It also told me as an audience that it is important to find what you're good at, being unique isn't a problem. This movie had came up to my mind to relate it to Me and You. Aamir helped changed Ishaan's life and his attitude towards his own life. Both relationship from Olivia and Lorenzo to Aamir and Ishaan was about turning someone that was tired of living, disappointed and felt misunderstood into a person that believes in one's own potential, bright future. 
      Me and You's main character is Lorenzo, a teenage boy suffering from autism and his loneliness no one else knew. He has anti-social characteristics and had described everyone else as the "others". He was self centralled with parents that were not trying to understand his thoughts and feelings deep down inside him. He had been lying to his mother that he's on a skiing trip but in reality he was staying under the basement for a whole week while he accidentally met this important person that changed his life—Oliva, his half sister. Olivia was a rebellious young women that Lorenzo's parents didn't like mentioning infront of him. She was eventually addicted to drugs and run into Lorenzo when she needed money for more drugs and needed a place to stay. Oliva was suffering because of the symptoms from her withdrawal of Heroin during the time she spent in the basement with Lorenzo, but as Olivia let goes her emotions, Lorenzo felt a connection between himself and his sister. Both of them were lonely with no friends nor an understanding family, both of them were suffering from mental illness and physical illness while no one was taking care of them. Untill they met eachother and Lorenzo felt himself like a hero, no longer useless by trying his best to help heal his sister's pain from the withdrawal. Also untill both of them encouraged each other, gave eachother the feeling of love and friendship. All these events when Olivia danced with Lorenzo and Lorenzo hugging Olivia, giving her shelter, Lorenzo felt warmth that he hadn't felt for such a long time and felt himself no longer as a person that is disconnected to all the others. More importantly, Lorenzo and Olivia felt hope and started believing in a brighter future because they met each other. 
    In most of the story people found plots similar on the relationship between the main characters. Most likely lovers, then from friendships to all kinds of relationships that one person changes another because of what they went through together. Including Me and You as a novel to Like Stars on Earth as a movie, both of these stories were describing the events and outcomes when a person had been changed because of meeting another. It is common to see people change into a better person because they have met someone that was either special, important or inspiring to their situation stucked in. Some people are defensive and stubborn untill they meet someone that is either stronger than them in order to force him change or either soft and nice that made another remove his guard to change into a better person with love. Some people are weak and coward untill they meet someone that is positive and has strong impact in order to build up his confidence again and become a tougher person. No matter using what ways, people changes through out their experiences with people surrounding them. Olivia and Lorenzo were once so disappointed and even giving up on their life, but things have changes within a week they spent together. Love has a lot of different definitions and moreover the actions of loving and caring one person gave another could be unexpectedly inspiring. A positive relationship often gives both person benefits and with those having stronger bonds often receive a huge change into a better person. Sometimes it is needed to have a person that have the ability to  bring you through the darkness and pull you out of the swamp. 

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