Saturday, December 12, 2015

Writing center reflection

   Writing was always one of my headaches while doing school works. I had never tried asking for helps on my own, all I did was wrote and waited for my paper fulled of mistakes returned to me. Last few days I went to the writing center to see Ms. Swift and asked for help on my writing project. It is my first time writing a journal as another person and from her view rather than mine. This made me think harder since I had to refer how the character might be thinking and writing down according to the novel. I went to the writing center at first because Mrs. Guarino asked all of us to go, so I went there without thinking what should I ask her. The first thing she said to me was:"How can I help you?" And "What do you want me to look over?" I stopped and was shocked at the moment, I did not know how to answer her. Eventually, I showed her the longest part of my diary and asked her to read it over for me. As soon as Ms. Swift started reading my writing, she found out so much mistakes including run-on sentences, grammar errors and incorrect vocabularies. Therefore, the rest of the time I spent in the writing center, we were working and fixing on my sentences that could be improved better and correctly. My diary was written in past tense but sometimes I jumped out having several present tense. My writing also included many run-on sentences that were too long, difficult for the reader to understand and sounded weird when I read it aloud. 
    Ms. Swift also asked me questions on what kind of characteristics and personality Marci are described in the novel. This made me tried harder to think deep and detailed into the story events so I could tell someone that hadn't read the book what kind of person Marci is and involve these into the diary. Marci was a girl with mostly an opposite personality than Ellen. The novel we written in the view of Sookan, Marci was one of her best friends in the novel. It was difficult and caused me to pay more attention to a few events in the story to write as Marci. Since Marci was not as outgoing as Ellen and had less friends, so I decided that Marci might be writing more of her inside thoughts in her diary because she most likely kept her ideas to herself and only to really close friends. Another problem I had writing this project was the dates and separation between each paragraphs. In the novel, Marci are being mentioned by Sookan a lot but sometimes there were blanks for one to two months without any writing about Marci which needed my imaginations to predict what might Marci be doing during these days so I could fill in the blanks. So other than the dates given in the novel about Marci, I'll have to add up more details on the events and things that might be going on with Marci during times Sookan didn't mentioned in the story. After all, I had received useful helps from Ms. Swift and fixed most of the mistakes in my writting. I might consider going to the writing center more often to learn more about my mistake made often while writing. It was a great experience for the first time visiting writing center. 

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