Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Self-Assesment of Diary project

     My work turned out not as well as I expected. I chose Marci as my diary's character but then found out that I was paying too much attention to Sookan instead of Marci, therefore I only knew a few things about Marci that I'd had to look back into the story to find details about her. I was actually happy to write in Marci's perspective, this showed many things differently. I wrote details for a few paragraphs describing the surroundings and also Marci's feeling inside. But if I would have more time or another chance to work on it again, I'll add more details using the five senses to make the diary more lively and realistic. I'll also pay more attention to details and descibe every person, everything more attentively. My diary's clarity and correctness might not result in a good way, I always turned out to have lots of grammar mistakes. But I also think what I did good was to clearly show Marci's attitude's change after a school year. How she disliked her parents including living at home then she turned out missing home and also gradually understanding her parents' careful intention. One problem I realized after printing out my diary was the length of it, I found out my diary shorter than my classmates'. Even though I said my project did not turned out as well as I first expected, but after all I think my project was done also not as bad since I rarely had done any diary written in another person's perspective. My diary's creativity was pretty good in my opinion, but I am also afraid that this would make my project looks informal. In conclusion, I found after evaluating that there are still a lot of things for me to improve on my writing but I also had accomplished most of the goals. I involved creativity and tried to give the small changes of Marci's idea after a school year; I gave detailed describing the environment and especially Marci's inside feelings that she never told anyone.  In my opinion, this is a good start for writing diaries in different perspectives since I knew what were my errors and mistakes so I could do a greater job for the next few times when someone asks me to write. 

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