Thursday, March 3, 2016

Are Pobby and Dingan real?

 In my opinion, Pobby and Dingan are not real. According to the story as Ashmol and his father have said, Pobby and Dingan are Kellyanne's imaginary friends. I believed stronger that they are not real when they were trying to find them and got caught on Mr. Sid's land. If they really do exist then people won't be that angry if they're trying find two missing children. One important quote that proves that no one else other than Kellyanne herself could see Pobby and Dingan was what her teacher said—"she wasn’t concentrating in class and was always talking to herself and hugging the air",this showed more about how Pobby and Dingan are only imaginations of Kellyanne. But one part that confused me and asked myself while reading if they're real was when Dingan got chosen as the Opal Princcess with Kellyanne. I also don't think they're real because I heard of many stories telling how younger children have their imaginary friends (normally in a horror movie and ghost story though). But on the other hand since this novel is a fiction, the setting could be that both Pobby and Dingan are real. Kellyane's mother even prepared meals for them. But in conclusion in my opinion, Pobby and Dingan are not real because imaginary friends are possible to happen for a young girl, also how the teacher reacted, views Kellyanne's action in school all proved that most likely no one else could physically sees Pobby and Dingan 

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