Thursday, March 31, 2016

Reading Quiz :: Pobby and Dingan

Marinda Hsu

Rex had told Ashmol once that, ".....Lightening Ridge is now was once covered by seawater and how all kinds of sea creatures had been found fossilized in rock." For this statement, Ashmol responded with this idea relating to Pobby and Dingan, he said—"And suddenly I thought how maybe if this amazing thing was true, it was just possible Pobby and Dingan were true, too". Even though Ashmol regretted right away after this idea, this is also an important reminder about the entire story. For Kellyanne, Pobby and Dingan are so real that she felt physically sick because of her woriness towards their disappearance. This idea Ashmol had is like how everything could be possible; everything could be true if someone believes in it firmly. It is unbelievable that a place where Ashmol lives was once covered by seawater as he imagines it, just like how people might think Pobby and Dingan are unbelievable, but true to Kellyanne. Even though Ashmol had tried to prove that why don't exist, Kellyanne still believes in them. So within this small part of the story, it relates widely throughout the whole story about each family member's own belief that seemed unreal to others. 

5. (Rex)
Imagination and dreams are mentioned and connected throughout mostly everyone in the family. Her mother misses her elegant life back in England as we read through paragraph 6 when she was looking over photographs in the middle of the night. Another obvious imagination is Pobby and Dingan's existence in Kellyanne's own point of view. For Rex, his dream is to find opals and become a billionaire. He is working hard for two years without finding any opals, but his strong belief into opals did not stop. A point in the story where Annie and Rex was arguing about Kellyanne's imaginations, Annie said—"You haven't found any opal in 2 years. And opal's real enough for you". This is a highlight reminding the readers that, yes, why would people believe in opals if him himselve hasn't found any piece of it denies that a little girl's friends are just illusions? If you think it this way, it is right how Annie pointed out. It could be so real and worth paying energy to the opals for Rex, therefore why can't Kellyanne pay as much attention into Pobby and Dingan? Rex believes firmly on finding opals, it is just like how Kellyanne believes how Pobby and Dingan are true. In conclusion, everyone has their unseen dreams in the story that no one else could truly wake them up from it. 

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