Wednesday, March 2, 2016

What did you improve on from first draft to final draft?

First of all, I added more words and give more opinions, arguments on how love has the power to change a person. Second of all, I finally added more quotes either from the novel, from the movie or lyrics from a song. I added a short poem, too, because it reminded me of the situation Lorenzo and Olvia has. I wanted to add this poem in between the paragraphs and also lyrics before introduction paragraph because I thought this might make the reader feel not as boring. It also proves that other people thinks that love can change another, too; showing how many people would also feel that love is warm and the lyrics I've chosen was connected to the act of caring from the movie Like Stars on Earth. This was what I added mainly from the first draft until the final draft. I also tried fixing most of the grammar errors I recognized.  

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