Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Spring break

       The last two days before spring break were warm and nice in Cheshire, I was expecting to feel the exactly same comfortable weather back home at Taiwan; however, the weather back home remained humid, rainy and cloudy for most of the time when I was back. A good weather often makes me want to walk outdoor and eventually receives a positive mood just like the sunshine shinning. Therefore, the rainy weather made me felt sad. Especially when I have to take three hours of Toefl in the morning, I felt a bit worst, it made me sleepy. I found out that my reading comprehension wasn't as well as I thought throughout the results of all those small quizzes the teacher gave us. The other two Taiwanese students studying in Texas have really good grades comparing to me. I hoped that my English could be as fluent as theirs. They recognizes so much vocabularies that made me wanna start studying harder for either Toefl or SAT in the future. 
    Other than classes, I have enjoyed my trip to the countryside with my family. Because my brother is still in class and my father still got works to be finished, so we only went to the East of Taiwan for five days as a vacation. It was precious for me after a long time being far apart from them. I found my brother growing taller than I am and started texting girls in his class. It was funny how my mother likes a girl in his class and my father likes another, they both wanna persuade my brother to like one of them. My brother was always provoked, and always shouting that he do not like any girls in his class. After finding my brother one day after one day stepping into a teenager, I felt both happy and sad that my cute, silly brother might not exist anymore for me to tease. Me and my family went to a tribe where the indigenous people live, they welcomed us with their traditional meals which were special and delicious. Latter on, we climbed trees, walk through muds, and squeeze ourselves between rocks to walk through the forest. It was extremely interesting yet tiring after using all these muscles I hadn't been using for a pretty long time for being lazy. I felt all these sourness throughout my entire body the next day I woke up. 
    After all, spending my spring break with my family is fun and wonderful. I misses them and was happy to spend so much time with them once again to stay bonded. I hope to see them soon in the summer. 

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